my passion is printmaking
Much of my work is driven by my upbringing. I was born in the small town of Mason, Texas, and where I spent much of my childhood. At home, my family lives and works on our family-owned and operated cattle ranch, The Schmidt Hereford Ranch. With a rich ranching history dating back to the year 1900, ranching is in my blood and inspires much of my artistic expression.
In my woodcut prints, I have combined my ranching lifestyle with my artistic aesthetic. In my work, I seek to highlight the importance of cattle in my life as well as yours. My work focuses on displaying the cattle in my life in an abstract yet representational manner. The incorporation of the many squares or blocks within the cattle is vital to my message.
The blocks are a two-part element. At a visual level, they are used to build the representation of the cattle, and yet contrast the organic flowing shape of cattle with the hard edges of the blocks. Despite the contrast, I seek to balance the two elements in order to build up the figure. More importantly, the blocks are representative of building blocks. Like building blocks are the foundation of a structure, cattle are the foundation of feeding much of the world. Cattle are the first step in a huge process that feeds and employs many people, and by focusing on cattle I am able to draw attention to these animals' contribution to humanity.
I am also a believer in the importance of art in revealing beauty. Not that all art is 'beautiful,' but if art can express something which brings joy to the viewer, then the artist is successful. Through my work, I wish to spread beauty and thus a joy to all by sharing my lifestyle and passion for cattle, and the impact they have on our world.
For more information about me, my work, and my inspirations check out my undergraduate honors thesis paper. It is located in the Honors Thesis page above.
For any inquiries, commission requests or studio visits, please contact Rio Kelly Schmidt today.
Thank you for your interest.